Sipping to Happiness

In my house tea is king! We may have a small selection of coffee (okay…maybe only one type) to offer you when you visit and you can brew it in a machine that was bought in the 80’s. But when it comes to tea, we have a plethora of types to choose from. Just take a glance in the tea chest or in the cupboard and you can even choose what you want to steep it in. As I said, we live on tea here! Tea tastes great and keeps you warm on a cold day. Even more importantly it is beneficial for many health reasons and can be a terrific natural mood booster! Next time your boss springs an unreasonable deadline on you and you want to explode, decide instead to take a tea break! Have your spouse and your kids driven you close to your breaking point? Before you put them all up for adoption turn on the kettle and pick up a tea bag! Tea can even chase your blues away. Choose your herbs fresh from the garden, in a dried form or from the grocery in ready-made tea bags. The aroma and the properties in t...